About Us

Why we Created this website:


1. Help local consumers find the best local businesses, coupons and events; and
2. Help local businesses reach more local customers online.



How do we help local customers?


Find Wonderful Local businesses: Discover the best local businesses in your area and view valuable information about them including photos, hours of operation, menus, testimonials and more. You can even contact them right from their listing.


Save money: Everyone loves a good deal! We made it easy to find money-saving coupons once again also be the first to know about deals from participating merchants and share the savings with family and friends.


Stay connected: Stay connected to the community you love and discover upcoming local events. Support the local economy simply by shopping local at your favorite businesses.



How do we help local businesses?


Increase online visibility: 97% of consumers use the internet to search for local products and services today. If your business is not visible on the web, you're missing out on thousands of more potential customers.


Improve search result: Getting on the first page of Google isn't easy. Being featured in Mycountydealz.com can help improve your Search Engine Ranking, increase positive SEO results for your company, and help you show up higher in local search results.


Get more customers: Local customers are actively searching for businesses like yours on the web. We help you connect with the customers in your community looking for the same services you strive to offer.


We hope you enjoy our website and find it useful to your search needs!


We and will always

support the local economy and encourage everyone to always shop local!